Lauren Fulton Math
This Low-Prep, SpOoKy Halloween Math Mystery activity makes a wonderful Halloween challenge for 6th, 7th, 8th & Algebra 1 classrooms*! Students must work together to solve problems involving one-step equations, operations with decimals, multi-step word problems, order of operations, area, and proportions to figure out who among them is a murderer!
Upon entering the classroom, students are handed unique suspect cards, and assume the identity of Halloween party guests who've become suspects after one of the guests is murdered. The students must solve a series of math problems to uncover the suspect's identity and solve the murder mystery before they all share the same fate!
⭐This Product Includes⭐
- Murder Mystery Story PowerPoint
- Murder Mystery Clue Sheet
- 35 Unique Suspect/Character Cards
- Full Answer Key & Set-Up Guide
- Optional PDF to Print Suspect Cards as Name Badges on Avery 25395 Badges
- Digital Version of Activity, Complete with Student & Teacher Instructions
- Video Instructions for Teacher - How to Assign Through Google Classroom
*Please look over the preview carefully, to see if this is suitable for your classroom. The problems are designed to present students with a challenge, but the emphasis is Team-Building, so the students shouldn't get bogged down with the math.