Lauren Fulton Math
Solving Equations Halloween Math Activity for 7th 8th Algebra Middle School
TWO Solving Equations Activities! EsCaPe the HaUnTeD hOuSe & Go on a Candy Hunt in these Multi-Step Equations Halloween Games! These NO PREP, self-checking mazes are perfect for keeping middle & high school students engaged in math class!!
This resource is a part of my Holiday Run collection, and makes a perfect warmup, exit ticket, homework, or quick-practice activity.
Problem Types Include: Solving Multi-Step Equations with rational numbers, including word problems and "find the error" problems.
✨This Product Includes✨
- 1 Escape the Haunted House Activity (8 problems)
- 1 Candy Run Activity (8 problems)
- "Show Your Work Page"
- Full Teacher Keys
Check out MORE Holiday Math Activities
Total Pages: 2 pages
Answer Key: Included
Teaching Duration: 45 minutes
This product aligns to CCSS 7.EE.B.4, 8.EE.C.7 & HSA-REI.B.3